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nickbaer Pro

This member is an ID verified member Videographer
Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom - 3698 mi away
87% Response Rate
Online 2024-06-22T09:55:38+00:00

Because models are all over the world, I am offering self-shot opportunities.

Mobile phone and Tablet cameras shoot the same quality as video cameras.

1280x720 and greater is fine.

I created an information sheet with examples and details.

Thanks Again, and feel free to write at anytime.

NickIn England, United Kingdom.  Working on new photos and videos for you.

If you are a male model, friend of a male model, friend of a male who would like to try a photo/video shoot with my styles, or a photographer who knows a male model looking for new opportunities - I would enjoy hearing from you!

I shoot photo and video for , and .  I am an American, traveling around Europe on Tourist Visa. I love England and Wales. And Prague.  Will visit other parts of Europe that are not part of Schengen, in February and March.

My style is casual "Pinup" Male nude!  I travel, so I shoot often in Hotel rooms, with available light and basic furnishings.  The Pinup style began in the US California "beach cities," during the sexual revolution of the 1960s...

For 25 years, I have shot photos and videos with nude male models. Pinup modeling, and light erotica.  I have worked with over 300 male models, all variations of gay and str8. Models are in my photos and videos for their warm looks, and natural bodies.  Photo themes include: casual, bare feet, classic fetal, variations of Mapplethorp's Touch Your Toes, and shower.  Video themes include: strip photo shoot, underwear, swim wear and jock strap posing, classic poses, Bare Feet Bare Balls, massage (with or without Happy Ending), solo erotic performance, shower.

I will be participating in AdultFolio's new Clips program. I have made 500 nude male movies (all available online).  I will be uploading Clips for you to add to your collections.  I also have made 200 book collections of individual nude male models photos, and compilations of special styles.  Perhaps the eBook versions of my nude male photo books will be for sale here, as well. They are on Kindle , Nook and Kobo , under my name Nick Baer.

I will shoot with Male models wherever I travel. If you are interested in shooting in the town where I am visiting at the moment, please send me a message. I can shoot simple nudes, I also can shoot solo or duo erotica.  Currently in Bucharest, upcoming plans include Istanbul, and the nude beaches of the Riviera along the west coastline of Croatia.

I also broadcast on Chaturbate as webcam model coach_karl . Coach Karl is my modeling name on several hundred VOD and DVD movies.

As I travel, I also make travel movies  Amazon Prime  Video, and eBooks Kindle , Nook , Kobo

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Art Nude
Art Fetish
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POV Hard - Protected

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Profile views18.18K - Top 4.3%
Media views30.75K - Top 4.5%
Video streamed11 hours, 57 minutes - Top 54.6%
Likes690 - Top 24.6%
Followers173 - Top 16.3%
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