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jonny skyboss Pro

This member is an ID verified member Model
Caerfyrddin, Carmarthenshire, United Kingdom - 3593 mi away
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Online 2024-05-17T22:02:15+00:00


Posted on Thursday 21st of April 2022
0 comments • Read 248 times • 1 minute read •

What drives you more insane when you look at an image; no model name or no photographer's?

You want to see more of their work but they remain nameless.

I think the lack of a tog's handle drives me nuts. Us models are all the same regardless, but a good tog? Priceless. I'll see an image I can picture myself in and know right then that I need to shoot with the taker of that moment.

But if the image remains nameless, the magic of our profession is lost.

How many tunes can you name which are covered better than the original? I'm leaning towards My Way as murdered by the Sex Pistols. So could you give your tog a name so we can all shoot with them too please?

I'm sure someone will do a better cover of me in a shot one day. I don't let it bother me. You shouldn't let it bother you either. You know the saying - imitation is the greatest form of flattery; but oddly enough also the cruelest of mockeries.

Let it go man, just let it drift away. Deep breath, elbows back and keep a grip on the old tray lol!

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