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joegalea Pro

This member is an ID verified member Model
Bristol, Bristol, City of, United Kingdom - 3559 mi away
88% Response Rate
Online 2025-01-30T17:54:00+00:00

joegalea has 6 positive, 0 neutral, and 0 negative references

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An awesome shoot with Joe today, pre shoots coms were excellent, he came on time despite even using public transport. He was prepared and ready to shot straight away., A great model who I was really pleased to of been able to work with today.
A 100% recommendation from me, till the next time

Rating: Positive

Had a shoot with Joe yesterday.
Joe did a few videos of me and some photos too.
I was apprehensive about one of his ideas at first, but he put me at ease and i loved the results too.
Another shot is in the planning soon.
Nice guy and I hope his new venture goes well.

Rating: Positive

I've shot Joe a couple of times a few years apart. He's an excellent model, thoughtful, broad minded and fun to be with. Highly recommended.

Rating: Positive

I had a really lovely time photographing Joe. I've read the positive feedback that others had left and felt confident that he would make a good model. As it turns out, he exceeded my expectations. Very experienced, and he follows direction very well. Definitely recommended.

Rating: Positive

Had a Fantastic days shoot with Joe got some amazing photos I can recommend him to any togs out there.

This member is online bengie
Rating: Positive

I worked with Joe a good few years ago but he was dedicated, professional, good company and delivered the results.
I was pleased with the results and am glad to see him on Adult Folio.
Nice guy and recommended.

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Rating: Positive
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