It is well-known that there can be professional, personal, and familial disadvantages when it becomes public that someone works as a nude, erotic, or pornographic model.
Of course, there are models who - for various reasons - have no issue or problemwith being publicly known as erotic models. A lot even love the spotlight! These are not the models I am referring to.
I am referring to the models who initially worked anonymously or with masks and then at some point decided to "come out." Or the models who have not taken this step to this day.
The question is: how did you feel after you made this "coming out" and went public with your face? Was it liberating or even a „thrill“, or did you regret it, or did it turn out to be disadvantageous?
Or how much do you wish and desire you could go public and show your face and let the world see, what you are doing?
Would be great to hear your thoughts or inner struggles or your own story.