I recently saw s a photo of a pretty model, but with those dreadfully inflated "duck lips" ( which we call "rubber boat lips" in Germany ) and apparently the 'bullhorn surgery,' where the upper lip is narrowed to make the lip red roll upward and widen. ( I jokingly refer to it as the 'bullshit surgery). This photo inspired me to open this thread.Because, IMHO nothing else can ruin a beautiful face so quick like an lip enhancement.
It seems that breast implants and tattoos have become quite common today, whether they're beautiful or not. So, my question to the forum, sparked by this photo, is: Are inflated lips, these 'duck lips,' a trend that will hopefully fade away? Or do you think they're here to stay?
Or do you - or at least some or you - think, inflated and enhanced lips are something beautiful and make models more attractive?