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Zee Maitri

This member is an ID verified member Photographer
Paris, Île-de-France, France - 3380 mi away
63% Response Rate
Online 2025-03-10T08:31:41+00:00

I've been tying knots since I first learned to tie my shoes. Trained in Shibari in Tokyo, I have been traveling the world working on a collection of images for a book on Shibari bondage.

Models, please contact me only if you are comfortable with this type of work. Nudity is a requirement, pornography is not.

SHIBARI (??): (noun) the act of tying or binding with a rope.

Kinbaku (??) is a word for "erotic bondage" or Kinbaku-bi which means "beautiful bondage". Kinbaku (also Sokubaku) is a Japanese style of BDSM which involves tying up the bottom using simple yet visually intricate patterns, usually with several pieces of thin rope usually hemp or jute. The word Shibari came into common use in the West at some point in the 1990s to describe the bondage art Kinbaku. Shibari (???) is a Japanese word that literally means "to tie" or "to bind". It is used in Japan to describe the artful use of twine to tie objects or packages.
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