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Tom K from X Pro

This member is an ID verified member Photographer
Xanten, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - 3590 mi away
77% Response Rate
Online 2025-03-08T10:34:44+00:00

Tom K from X has 3 positive, 0 neutral, and 0 negative references
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Tom is a very cool and relaxed guy.
Alot of fun to work with! we had a couple good laughs and time flew by while shooting.
he's very creative and sees good shots!
hope to work again with you!

Kayleigh Wonder
Rating: Positive

Second shoot with Tom. I expected a fab time with lots of ideas by him. Let’s just say he did not run out of them.
Good directions and clear visions of what and how.
An absolute joy to work with.
Can only recommend to work with him.

Rating: Positive

I had many successful shoots with Tom. He also organized several workshops for other photographers, and it was a pleasure for me to be their model. Tom is a very experienced professional photographer and he always has great ideas. The results are very nice. I enjoyed working with him and I am looking forward to our next shootings. Highly recommended!

Rating: Positive

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