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Sweetest Pro

This member is an ID verified member Model
Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland - 3810 mi away
89% Response Rate
Online 2025-01-16T10:04:31+00:00

Sweetest has 2 positive, 0 neutral, and 0 negative references

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I had my first shoot with her today and it was a great shoot, pre-shoot communications were excellent. She is easy going, friendly and happy to chat during the shoot. She was very happy to change outfits and made great suggestions producing some excellent pics. Shot mostly in one room with good natural light and also some staircase shots. Hoping to work with her again, definitely recommended.

lund boutique
Rating: Positive

I have had the wonderful opportunities to realize two shootings with a wonderful woman... "sweetest" is a real female feminine model... with so many sensuality that it wasn't a job but an incredible pleasure.
At the same time she has had so many ideas that would need weeks to realize them all and not only few hours.

But... the most important thing is to have found a wonderful person too and not only a very beautiful model.

Maybe I will be so lucky to see her again and arrange one of the hundreds left photo ideas we have had.

Rating: Positive

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