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Sirens X Pro

This member is an ID verified member Photographer
Harrogate, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom - 3733 mi away
93% Response Rate

Sirens X has 5 positive, 0 neutral, and 0 negative references

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Obviously it’s positive he more like a old friend after all these year highly recommended worked with him on lots of projects,

Pixxii Spring
Rating: Positive

Second shoot with Matt and it was just as fantastic as the first. The shoot ran very smoothly, pre shoot comms were great. Such a highly professional gentleman, with such a passion for what he does. Always a laugh and looking forward to working with him again soon

Maeve Winters
Rating: Positive

Awesome first shoot with Matt, had a clear image of what he wanted from the shoot and with so much enthusiasm within him. Pre shoot comms were great, kept each other updated throughout the process. Can’t wait to work with again and would highly recommend

Maeve Winters
Rating: Positive

Had an amazing shoot at home upto b/g, looking forward to working together again.

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Rating: Positive
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Great shoot! Nice and chatty we got along really well the 2 hours flew by definatly recomended cant wait to shoot again ?

Rating: Positive

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