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Silk and Sodomy Pro

This member is an ID verified member Videographer
Carlisle, Cumbria, United Kingdom - 3797 mi away
93% Response Rate
Online 2025-03-14T00:18:19+00:00

Hi there! I love silk and satin lingerie, I love sex, and I decided there wasn't enough crossover! I think it's a tragedy that so much porn and fetish content starts with the lady immediately taking off all her lovely lingerie! I suppose I'm of the mind that your expensive silk panties should go down or to the side, not all the way off.

I was recommended Adultfolio by some very helpful souls on Fetlife: I've been doing this for about a year and am now actively seeking models interested in paid shoots to produce videos for my clip pages and/or add photos to my portfolio and paid albums.

My most recent videos showcase more adult levels but I've also produced softcore/voyeur style clips too: teasing, spanking, undressing, upskirts, and (fake!) hidden camera footage. Anonymous (faceless) shoots are fine by me too and I've done plenty in the past, but I'd still require model release forms signed so we can each actually use the content!

Put short I am very happy to shoot softer content but I have also produced porn and I know not every model wants to be associated with videographers who work at those levels. And I shoot very niche content: I'm not against content share if you're open to it, but generally I prefer paid shoots. 

My (freshly launched) clip sites can be found under the username silkandsodomy on ManyVids, Clips4Sale, and APClips.

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Erotic Fetish
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POV Hard - Certed

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Followers55 - Top 38.1%
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