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Why I’m an Exhibitionist Part 2: From discovering myself to my first Photo experience.
Following on from part 1 of this blog which reached my life until I was at the age of 16, as I grew older, I just couldn’t stop myself from getting naked outside. Usually hidden away somewhere in a forest or the edge of a field, where I would find somewhere suitable that I could just get naked and lie in the sun and I feel comfortable, and thinking I would not get caught.
For me this was just as much a sexual thing as well as being an exhibitionist, far from being a naturist I suppose. Every time I got myself naked, I was always erect, (I was a horny teenager and some things I just couldn’t control) and just enjoyed myself being naked in the outdoors feeling good about myself. The feel of the fresh air on my naked body was just so exhilarating. Every time it would end in me having a wank. As time went passed, I would get more bolder in my activities, for example on warm nights go out somewhere cycling or walking and dare myself to get naked on a footpath somewhere, usually hidden away somewhere and either walk or cycle along it for a short distance. Always at nighttime and I felt reasonably safe doing this.
Believe it or not, but in my early childhood and all the way through school, I was very shy and never felt comfortable about my body and getting naked in the changing rooms at school etc, and it was never encouraged in my home life. So, when I reached my early 20’s I started to think I need to become bolder and more relaxed about being naked around others. I knew many people were as I would buy the magazine H&E, for anyone who doesn’t know it is a magazine for naturists. It got to a point where I really wanted to go and experience being in a naturist club or a beach and be naked with others around. My only problem was I was always erect when I did get naked, and as it was quite a sexual experience for me, I didn’t see any way I could get around this and stop my ever erect cock from getting hard, so I knew I had a problem.
In the back of the H&E magazines were contact adds and there were always a few from photographers asking for male models to pose for them. In my mind I thought this may be a good idea to try and see if I could get over any of my erection problems and how comfortable I would be naked in front of someone else. I replied to some of the advertisements and got a few responses. The first one I arranged to meet, we had been in contact via letter and a phone call and the guy I was to meet said he would like to take pics of me naked and anything else I would like to do. That was all I knew about the meeting and was not sure what to expect at all.
A few weeks later I got the train up to the Midlands from London and I was met at the station by him and driven back to his place. He was a much older guy and lived alone in a decent size house. Very well furnished and lots of rooms. Anyway, being my first time doing anything like this and not knowing what to expect, on the whole of my journey on the train I had that apprehensive feeling in my stomach, and I was also very erect in my jeans. For some reason I just really loved that feeling.
Once at his place and after sitting down, it became apparent he was not a professional photographer with lots of equipment all he had was a single SLR camera in his home. After being offered a drink, we were chatting about ourselves, I told him I had not done anything like this before and we just kind of discussed many things. Myself I wasn’t sure how we were to get to the part of taking photos etc. As I didn’t know what to expect, I kind of went along with it and was waiting for him to take the lead. It seemed a fair while we were talking and something inside me was saying I want to get naked and get on with this. At some point his telephone rang in his hallway and he went out to answer it. He didn’t just say to the caller he was busy, and he would ring back, he was chatting away for a good 5 to 10 mins and I had been left in the living room. After about 5 mins of him chatting on the phone, something inside me thought maybe I should take control of the situation a little. So, I moved onto his sofa where he had been sitting and just got completely naked, throwing my clothes to the corner of the room, and waited for him to come back in. Guess what, when he came in, I was just sitting there naked slowly playing with my hard cock. It worked as that got the photo session started.
In the days of film, photographers were a little more concerned about using the film and printing costs etc, so he didn’t take too many pics, just two rolls of film, but it involved me in a few different positions and him taking pics of me and some pretty close up ones too. When he was taking the close-up ones, this just made me feel so good in reality I loved the attention and wanted the best erection for him. After a while he said he had got as many pics as he really could, and could I think of anything else I wanted to do. It was me who said there is only really one more thing to do and that was to cum for him. Doing this was such a thrill for me and I just loved it. That feeling of shooting my load for someone like that was just so amazing for me. It proved to me for one thing, I loved being an exhibitionist. I may add at no point in this did he touch me anywhere.
After I had cum onto my stomach and had the final pics, I cleared it up and he went off to cook me a dinner before I made my trip back to London. Very nice of him to do this as I wasn’t expecting this. He also suggested I didn’t need to put on any clothes, and we could sit down and eat together. Again, this was an opportunity which I thought would be good for me to get myself used to being naked around others and I loved it. By the time I left his place, I was already feeling comfortable about being naked in front of others and no issues with having pictures taken. On my train journey back home, I honestly felt a little high from the whole experience and just couldn’t wait to do this again.
It didn’t solve my issue about not getting an erection as soon as I got naked and I didn’t get to a nudist beach for many years after this, but it helped me in my mind finding out that I now knew what I wanted.
To Be continued:
Thank you to the people who have sent me massages saying they enjoyed my first blog post; I hope you enjoy reading just as much. Why not leave a comment or two after the posts.
I Still have many more Exhibitionist experiences to share with you all. Not sure which I will write about in the next blog as yet.