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Nikki Hill Pro

This member is an ID verified member Model
Hallwil, Aargau, Switzerland - 3308 mi away
Currently touring Zurich, Zürich
52% Response Rate
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Nikki Hill has 8 positive, 0 neutral, and 0 negative references
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The shoot with Niki was wonderful! Niki is amazing! Not only as a model, but also as a person. We didn't need much communication; she quickly understood what I wanted. Nikki is very confident with posing and knows how to create great pictures. Thank you so much for the great collaboration! I'm already looking forward to the next shoot with Nikki. :-)

This member is online Kingspicturespeople
Rating: Positive

First photo shoot with Nicki, it was very successful and uncomplicated. Like your natural, charming and professional way. Looking forward to shoot with you again. Warm greetings from Ted, who is also really excited about you. ;-) :-*

This member is online Pixelpetz
Rating: Positive

Great shooting with Nikki! I enjoyed it and can recommend her to all photographers!

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MLAP Photography
Rating: Positive
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Nikki is an awesome model! Very beautiful and friendly. She poses well and she knows what the photographer wants to see. She is flexible and tough, she can handle a lot of challenging fetish predicaments. It was great to work with her and I hope she will return soon for another shoot!

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Rating: Positive
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Today I had my first shooting with Nikki and it was a great experience. It seems she was first time in Vienna. Communication to agree on the shooting details was very nice and easy and Nikki was in time and well prepared for the shooting itself. Her posing is just amazing because although she is a quite young model it`s for sure that she has already a lot of experience. Therefore was also the shooting quite easy. She is currently improving her language skills, but that was not really a problem during the shooting, as she really knows very well how to pose in front of the camera and how to present this perfect body and therefore we did not need a translator. We did a lot of different sets and different outfits and she had always the right hairstyle and make-up for different styles. So it was really a very exiting and successful shooting and I am already looking forward to work with Nikki again.

Rating: Positive

We had a nice shooting with cool results. Everything positive!

Camer Sutra
Rating: Positive

It was a great opportunity to shoot with Nikki in Munich. She is a very nice person with a friendly attitude. She makes shooting very easy and brings in her own ideas.

Rating: Positive

It was a pleasure to shoot with Nikki Hill. Very professional and comes prepared. She is easy to work with, lots of posing experience, no drama. She is perfect going from "sweet/innocent" look to more "sensual/erotic" look. I highly recommend Nikki Hill for your next project or workshop.

Rating: Positive

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