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Igor Pro

This member is a feedback verified member Photographer
Mill Hill, Barnet, United Kingdom - 3568 mi away
77% Response Rate
Online 2025-03-08T14:36:25+00:00

Igor has 11 positive, 0 neutral, and 0 negative references
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I enjoyed my first shoot with Igor! Precoms were thorough, including a phone call. He was incredibly friendly, jovial and generous and very easy to be comfortable around. He had so many different costumes and implements that created a wide range of images and made for a varied and entertaining shoot. The advice and direction he gave me was thoughtful and useful. Looking forward to working with him again :)

Molly Moxxie
Rating: Positive

Had an amazing shoot :) and what a kind amazing guy and I feel he is very under standing also :) and look forward to shoot today in the near future !
Thank you again and see you soon
Big hug ,
Mel xxx

Mel noir
Rating: Positive

What a guy. What a shoot! I would work with Igor again in a heartbeat. We had clear communication from the start and I felt totally at ease with him. Nothing to complain about at all and I hope to see you soon :)

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Rating: Positive
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Had an amazing shoot :) and what a kind amazing guy and I feel he is very under standing also :) and look forward to shoot today in the near future .. thank you for such a great shoot
Very relaxed and loved the outcome
Darcy Rosa

Darcy rosa
Rating: Positive

That was a pure delight. We had 2 suitcases of props, great lighting, 3 cameras, it was extremely cool and I enjoyed every minute working with Igor. Highly recommend. Impressed, happy

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Had my first shoot with Igor
The other week what a lovly guy he was the other day he picked me from the station and we got on straight away we had a laugh and I got to try somthing new that ended up being really fun and even though I was ment to serious I just couldn't be
Highly recommended

Rating: Positive

I have been working with Igor for years now and it's alwaysa pleasure. He's a remarkably talented photographer who a always capture the best of someone.

Our shoots always go by too fast but we always manage to take an array of beautiful and original images which he sends to me promptly afterwards.

I always look forward to our shoots and can't wait to shoot again.

I highly reccomend him to anyone

Blue x

Rating: Positive

What can I say about Igor? Great guy, professional, kind, talented and mad me feel comfortable and safe. The shoot was fun and I look forward to our next one. Highly recommended.

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Rating: Positive
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Have worked with Igor twice now, what an amazing gentleman.
He is fantastic with lighting, direction , camera skills and editing.
We have a great rapport, and I so enjoyed my time with him.
We chatted for hours.
Creative, talented and a beautiful man.
Image return was swift,.
I recommend Igor 100% and consider him a good friend ,
Can't wait to shoot again.
Thank you Igor x

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Rating: Positive
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I have worked with Igor twice now and he is awlays respectful and really fun to work with!
It has been a few years since our last shoot but we quickly were chatting as if we had seen eachother yesterday! He is full of ideas and can use any space!
A joy to work with!
Thanks so much! Cant wait to see the images!

Rating: Positive

I have shot with Igor twice now. Great guy, friendly, respectful and really put me at ease. He gives easy to follow direction and explains everything before so no surprises. Hope we will work together again soon.

Rating: Positive

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