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Dare Artphoto Pro

This member is an ID verified member Photographer
Viareggio, Tuscany, Italy - 3097 mi away
86% Response Rate
Online 2025-02-07T12:10:13+00:00

Dare Artphoto has 1 positive, 0 neutral, and 0 negative references

No shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this month1 positive references
0 neutral references
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No shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this month

Dare Artphoto is a very nice person and a very professional photographer. He takes care of every detail, he's also a great rigger and creates a very relaxing atmosphere on set, in order to work perfectly!

Ku Yugen
Rating: Positive

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