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DanteReign Pro

This member is an ID verified member Model
Caerdydd, Cardiff, United Kingdom - 3563 mi away
100% Response Rate
Online 2025-03-15T13:46:56+00:00

DanteReign has 2 positive, 0 neutral, and 0 negative references
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I maybe biased where we have been together for the past 7 years but he is absolutely fantastic to work with. Takes clear instruction on what would look best and he makes me laugh every single time. Honestly nothing offends him and he's always willing to try something different to get the best out of a shoot. Highly recommend working with this gorgeous Welsh man.

This member is online CataleyaReign
Rating: Positive

Arranged a duo shoot with KJSW and his partner, CataleyaReign. Excellent to work with in every respect. Very easy to work with - uninhibited, 100% committed to getting the shots and incredibly easy and fun to work with. His gorgeous partner was equally easy and fun to work with. Photos & some BTS video produced. Looking forward to arranging the next shoots.

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Rating: Positive
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