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CloudStone Pro

This member is an ID verified member Photographer
Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany - 3594 mi away
85% Response Rate
Online 2025-03-13T19:37:36+00:00

CloudStone has 5 positive, 0 neutral, and 0 negative references
No shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this month1 positive references
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1 positive references
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3 positive references
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No shoots this month

it was very easy shooting with you, I'm happy to work with you and hope we will do it again. I can recomend this photographer

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Emma Allert
Rating: Positive
View photoshoot (12)

Our first shoot was successful) I hope for further cooperation, my recommendations

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Rating: Positive
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Dear André!
I confirm that we had a lot of fun together today! I am so glad that we met today and had such a great shooting. Nice pictures, a lot of fun, good ideas - this is how it should be! It was a wonderful time together with you and I thank you so much! Hopefully we see each other soon!
Best from Nadine

Nadine LAdoree
Rating: Positive

Very professional photographer. I felt great during photoshoot.
Good atmosphere and cool fun. I recommend CloudStone.
Thank you very much for nice collaboration! :)

Rating: Positive

Live to work with this photographer

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Katrin Dragonfly
Rating: Positive
View photoshoot (133)

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