Who is Carney Malone?
Carney Malone resides in the circle of Hell Dante neglected to visit.
He lives in a decrepit house in a boring town in the depressing Hudson Valley. Now retired, he was a farmer, garbage man, janitor, clerk, waiter, dish washer, computer programmer, civil servant and college teacher.
Carney started shooting nudes in 2010.
Carney admires the photographic work of Andre Kertesz, Peter Basch, Eadweard Muybridge, Albert Arthur Allen, William Cheney Johnston, Man Ray, Robert Mapplethrope and, above all, Helmut Newton.
Carney, among contemporary photographers, holds in high esteem Rudolf Kartelin, Jan Saudek and Heiko Thiele .
Carney admires the artistic work of Don Martin, Bruno Schulz, Rene Magritte, Marcel Duchamp and Salvatore Dali.