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This member is a feedback verified member Model
Rome, Lazio, Italy - 2998 mi away
98% Response Rate
Online 2025-01-30T23:21:37+00:00

AICHA MASKED WIFE has 4 positive, 0 neutral, and 0 negative references

No shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this month1 positive references
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No shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this monthNo shoots this month1 positive references
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No shoots this month2 positive references
0 neutral references
0 negative references
No shoots this monthNo shoots this month

Sono contento e soddisfatto di aver avuto occasione di fotografarla. La spontaneità è la sua caratteristica, non si tira indietro ad ogni richiesta, quindi mi ha liberato la mente. Inoltre si percepisce che le piace e si diverte con il suo lavoro. Non mancherò di riproporle altri set. Un riferimento per me sul genere di nudo artistico, erotico ed esplicito.
I am happy and satisfied to have had the opportunity to photograph her. Spontaneity is her characteristic, she does not back down from every request, so she freed my mind. Furthermore, you can perceive that she likes and enjoys her work. I will not fail to propose other sets to her. A reference for me on the genre of artistic, erotic and explicit nude.

Rating: Positive

First shooting with this wonderful model. Aicha really likes posing. She is very professional and takes directions very easily.. Highly recommended!

PH Rulez
Rating: Positive

Molto professionale, bravissima nell'interpretare il progetto del fotografo. Con lei per ora ho scattato solo esplicito erotico e si è rivelata straordinaria. Consigliatissima.

Rating: Positive

Aicha is a versatile, professional model with a great personality who enjoys posing a lot. I worked with her at the beginning of her career, and I highly recommend her. Her husband is a polite person and not intrusive at all.

Rating: Positive

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