Photoshoot between HertsHouse and Epiphany Jones

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What an absolute fabulous time it was shooting with Hertz House. We’ve done a mix of indoor and outdoor shooting. Our first shoot was a paid one and then second shoot was content share. All our scenes was planned out and everything was very organised. I had my own dressing room and area to get ready. Hertz had set up multiple sets and scenes. They had arranged other performers to come also. The shoots are always so much fun and filmed on a professional camera with proper lighting and good sound too. Hertz is very professional, respectful, funny, easy to get along with and very interesting to work with as there is so much creativity when we get together. Our content is a top seller and my fans have given 5 star reviews on all our videos. I got the content quick and easy with no issues at all. Highly recommend working with this amazing producer. Extra points for the healthy food and drinks of water and tea on set.

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Epiphany Jones
Rating: Positive

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