Whist I am a total supporter of this site and applaud James for setting it up, I am amazed by the attitude of some people who seem to have a blatant lack of respect for the models on here and think it’s one gigantic shag fest .
Whilst I was not the recipient of an innappropriate message ( from a photographer I may add), some one I know was , and highlighted the fact elsewhere . Most peoples reaction was of shock, but there were a couple of reactions to the effect of we all make mistakes so what and if you’re on this site you should expect it .
So my question is should we really turn a blind eye if so what is the cut off point to not ignore inappropriate messages ? Should models really have to accept smutty innappropriate messages as part of the course even when their levels are carefully explained in their profile, just because this is an adult site ?
Are there people on here that see it as an easy way to get a shag as they can’t get one anywhere else ?
Discuss :-)