I don't normally comment much on here as I only do the photography as a hobby so I don't have much time to shoot so I normally like to arrange shoots in advance near where I know I going to be. This week I have had my second last minute cancellation with the model then removing their page from the this site. One at least messaged me saying they had work but the other one only told me after I queried why her photos were no longer on the site otherwise I don't think I would have been told.
Also I know models must get loads of requested and numerous questions asked but sometimes a simple sorry I'm not interested or that's to far in advance for me ask me nearer the time reply would be better than reading the email and then nothing, although that's not a bad as one model saying yes they are interested then when messaging them about the details them replying sorry that's to far away and it's my birthday that weekend anyway.
It get to a point when I feel like not trying any other models than who I have already shot with.