I recently contacted a model (not necessarily on here) regarding a shoot. Being upfront I offered a starting fee of £75 for up to three - but normally I'm done well within two hours. This shoot would have involved me undertaking a round trip of five hours - the shooting slot to be decided at her convenience.
She was outraged by this but then came back to me with a proposal that for a mere £90 it would/might be possible to shoot her on the understanding she received all the shots so she could post them up on various websites she's on in order to presumably make something from them.
I said I'd be in touch after Christmas - Naturally I won't. The thing is, she also mentioned in her second reply that some scoundrel snapper, had upon learning of her terms, responded by telling her that if she expected him to take the hassle of journeying all the way up to her, to be told he must now hand over all his snaps, that it was she who should expect to pay.
Who's right? (Answers on a postcard, and no snivelling 'White knight, never gets you any privileges with the girls any way', Responses PLEASE!)