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Feedback from our members...
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AdultFolio has really enabled me to pursue my hobby and improve my photography. I’ve met some wonderful members on the site and had the opportunity to work with people who have similar passions. It’s taught me how to work with models in the adult industry and allowed me to practice through trial and error.
The site is simple and easy to use. There’s an excellent team managing it at the core who always look to improve and provide a safe working environment. The ability to verify my account and lock down certain access also means I can curate what people see and protect my work. As someone interested in adult photography it’s definitely been one of the best investments in time and money signing up to be a member here.

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since i have joined on a recommendation from a client I have found the site very useful for finding models my client requires but also generating more business and promoting myself more if you put a little work into it you can reap tremendous rewards, also made a few good contacts in other areas that is very useful

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